ReciPe for Better Golf

ReciPe for Better Golf

Regular price £333.00 Sale price£81.00
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Finally discover your personal ReciPe for...

✅ Hitting longer, straighter drives...
✅ Striking powerful, laser-like irons...
✅ And doing it CONSISTENTLY!

Here's Martin Chuck explaining how you'll unlock your best swing by learning your ReciPe for Better Golf...


Your ReciPe for Better Golf shows you how to optimize your swing with "the P-System."

"P" stands for "position," and this is how golf coaches all over the world talk about and teach the key positions of the golf swing.

The P-System is quite literally the universal language of golf...

And now YOU can finally learn it, too! 

Here's What You Get:

10 ReciPe Video Lessons ($250 Value)

📽️ P1 - Address (watch this video below)

📽️ P2 - Shaft Parallel (in the backswing)

📽️ P3 - Lead Arm Parallel(in the backswing)

📽️ P4 - Top of Backswing

📽️ P5 - Lead Arm Parallel (in the downswing)

📽️ P6 - Shaft Parallel (in the downswing)

📽️ P7 - Impact

📽️ P8 - Shaft Parallel (in the follow through)

📽️ P9 - Trail Arm Parallel (in the follow through)

📽️ P10 - Finish

You Also Get...

8-Day ReciPe Swing Drill Video Series ($150 Value)

📽️ Day 1: P1 to P8 Drill: A GREAT drill to show what your body should be doing at impact.

📽️ Day 2: Tap, Tap, Go Drill: How to unwind the hips and keep the clubhead behind you.

📽️ Day 3: Fix Your Toe Hits: How to avoid "early extension" and eliminate toe shots and hooks.

📽️ Day 4: Keep Your Head Still Drill: How to properly blend side bend and rotation through impact

📽️ Day 5: Create Width In Your Backswing: See how an aim stick can help you develop a nice wide turn.

📽️ Day 6: The Punisher Drill: Another simple aim stick drill to groove the right pivot from P7 to P8.

📽️ Day 7: Inside Out Drill: A purposely exaggerated move to help you feel the right inside-out path.

📽️ Day 8: Meat & Potatoes Drill: The same "cornerstone" drill we use in my golf schools to tie everything together.

Check Out "P1" of ReciPe Below...

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About The Inventor

PGA Professional
Martin Chuck

Martin Chuck is the founder of the acclaimed Tour Striker Golf Academy and has invented some of golf's most popular training aids used by amateurs and top professionals around the World. With over 34 years of coaching experience, Martin has become known as "The People's Coach" preferring to work with amateurs more than professionals. Martin is one of Golf Digest's "50 Best Teachers in America" and is a GOLF Magazine "Top 100 Teachers in America".