Finally Fix Your Nagging Problems and Start Having a TON More Fun Playing Golf
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Get Ready to Play Frustration-Free Golf!
Tour Striker Nation,
Martin Chuck here, and I’m going to show you how to solve one of the biggest and most frustrating problems with your golf game.
How do I know you have this problem?
Because EVERYONE has this problem!
Yes, including pros like me and including the pros you see on tour.
Let Me Explain What I'm Talking About...
Have you ever noticed how parts of your game seem to come and go without any explanation?
You start hitting your irons great…
And then your driver goes haywire.
Or, you start chipping and pitching like a pro…
And then all-of-a-sudden you can’t make a putt to save your life!
This is because you can make “breakthroughs,” but then little by little, bad habits creep back in.
Or, you accidentally create new ones!
This, my friend, is just the nature of golf.
You can't prevent it — heck, even TOUR PROS struggle with it...
But I invented something that can help you overcome it and help you play your best golf.
Introducing the Smart Ball SLEEVE…
Turn the Smart Ball into 10+ Training Aids to Fix Nearly ANY Swing Flaw You Have

As you can see, the Smart Ball Sleeve works specifically with the Tour Striker Smart Ball.
And if you're not familiar with the Smart Ball...
It's the device I invented several years ago that’s been wildly popular with Tour pros and amateur golfers alike.

The Smart Ball hangs from a lanyard around your neck and positions the ball between your forearms.
By keeping the ball between your arms, you learn the all-important way to stay “connected” as you swing.
Yes, very simple but VERY effective.
It’s been SO effective, in fact, that about two years ago...
I started thinking of all the other ways the Smart Ball could help you IF it could be positioned on more places around your body.
And that’s the idea behind the Smart Ball Sleeve — it’s a supercharger for the Smart Ball because you can now use it in many, many more ways.
Just put the Smart Ball into the Sleeve and you now have about 10 different training aids in one...
It lets you use your Smart Ball on LOTS of key spots on your body to fix LOTS of things.
Remember the "Bad Habits" I Mentioned Above?
You know, the nagging ones you know all too well…
And the new ones that pop up?
Just put the Smart Ball into the Smart Ball Sleeve and you can now wear the Smart Ball in specific places to...
✅ Fix distance issues caused by a loss of power or poor contact…
✅ Fix arm and wrist issues that cause weak slices, flipping and hooking…
✅ Fix upper body issues like flying elbows, chicken wings and over-bending your arms…
✅ Fix lower body issues like “hanging back” or not turning and tilting enough…
✅ Fix poor backswings that lead to a poor transition move…
✅ Fix swing plane and swing path problems…
✅ Impact issues caused by bad timing and being out of sequence…
✅ Short game chipping and pitching problems that cause blow-up holes.
If that sounds like a LOT of is!
So, rest assured, your Smart Ball Sleeve comes with videos that show you how to address each and every one of them.
If you’re a VISUAL learner, there are videos for that.
If you learn better by FEEL, there are videos for that, too.
These INCLUDED Videos Show Exactly How to Use Your Smart Ball Sleeve To...

Add Power and Distance

Create a "Connected," Consistent Swing

Fix Slicing, Flipping and Hooking

Build a Perfect Backswing

Fix Your Flying Elbow

Develop a Reliable Short Game

Optimize Your Weight Transfer

Fix Early Extension ("Standing Up")

Generate Powerful Delivery & Impact

Stabilize Your Putting Stroke
Get Your Smart Ball Sleeve...or Bundle it with a Smart Ball
Now, You Might be Saying to Yourself...
“Martin, that’s great, but I don’t need help with ALL of these things!”
That may be true right now, but...
I’m willing to bet you could use improvement with one or more of them.
And as I mentioned at the start...
Bad Habits Can Pop Up Without Warning
Yes, problems often creep into your swing when you least expect it.
But that’s the real beauty of the Smart Ball Sleeve:
All these ways to use it are there if and when you need them.
One more thing to remember...
It's Like Getting 10+ Training Aids…for a Fraction of the Price
Think about this…
If you were to buy training aids to do everything the Smart Ball Sleeve can do, you’d wind up with 10+ devices...
And probably spend upwards of $500.
But your Smart Ball Sleeve costs only a FRACTION of this!
And it takes up a FRACTION of the space in your golf bag, basement, garage, etc.!
Using the Smart Ball Sleeve is Super Easy
Just follow these steps…
1. Order your Smart Ball Sleeve before they’re gone
2. Watch any of the INCLUDED videos that address your biggest problem(s)
3. Finally enjoy golf WITHOUT the nagging problems that ruin your score
Here is Everything You Get…

The Smart Ball Sleeve

The Smart Ball Sleeve
AND Smart Ball Bundle

(3) Setup & "Quick Start" Videos

(10) Long Game Video Lessons
($150 Value)

(5) Short Game Video Lessons
($75 Value)

(4) Skills & Drills Video Lessons
($75 Value)

($10 Value)
We're so excited for this launch, we're going to ship your Tour Striker Smart Ball Sleeve (or Sleeve and Ball Bundle) to you for FREE in the USA.

100% Money-Back Guarantee
We think you are going to LOVE your Smart Ball Sleeve and how you can wear it nearly anywhere on your body to target and fix your nagging swing problems. With the help of the INCLUDED videos, if you don't start shooting your best scores and having the most fun you've ever had playing golf, simply send it back to us within 30 days of purchase for a full product refund.
Get Your Smart Ball Sleeve...or Bundle it with a Smart Ball
In Case You Don't Know Me, I'm Martin...

Martin Chuck
Inventor | PGA Professional
Martin Chuck is founder of the acclaimed Tour Striker Golf Academy and has invented some of golf's most popular training aids used by amateurs and top professionals around the World. With over 34 years of coaching experience, and a gift for relating to everyone from PGA Tour pros to amateurs just starting out, Martin has become known as "The People's Coach." Martin is one of Golf Digest's "50 Best Teachers in America" and one of GOLF Magazine's "Top 100 Teachers in America".
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Smart Ball Sleeve?
The Smart Ball Sleeve holds the award-winning Smart Ball so you can wear it comfortably in MANY more places on your body (arms, wrists, hips, knees, ankles) to target and fix virtually any swing problem you have.
Is it Packaged with a Smart Ball?
You can get the Smart Ball Sleeve alone (it works with your existing Smart Ball)...or you can get it bundled with a Smart Ball.
Why Did it Take So Long to Develop?
I know it looks simple, but making the harness and clip system to be so versatile and highly effective, easy to use, safe, comfortable, durable and lightweight was a two-year journey of drawings, prototypes, testing, etc. I'm thrilled it's finally here!
How Do I Learn How to Use It?
Your Smart Ball Sleeve comes with 20 well-organized videos from me (Martin Chuck) showing you exactly how to use it to address the specific swing problem you're struggling with. You don't have to watch them all — simply watch the ones that will be most helpful to you.
Is Shipping Free?
Shipping is Free to USA addresses. We do have to charge for shipping outside the USA to recover a portion of shipping expenses.
Do You Offer a Money-Back Guarantee?
Yes! If your Smart Ball Sleeve and the included "How To" videos don't solve your biggest, most frustrating swing issues, and if you don't start shooting your best scores, simply send it back within 30 days of purchase for a full product refund.