How to Build a Tour Striker Golf Swing

If you're playing where the turf is softer and wetter than usual... Or if you sometimes play during during rain... Watch the video above to learn how to strike the ball solid despite a soggy stance. Truth be told,...
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Ever look down the practice range and find yourself judging people's swings? Ever wonder what golfers are thinking about your game based on YOUR swing? Don't feel bad or self-conscious — we ALL do this. And, yes, we can...
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In my last tip, we talked about fixing a slice. Today, let's look at the opposite problem: pulls and hooks. By examining your divot pattern, you can see when you're creating curvature... And I'll explain a very common reason WHY it may...
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To fix your slice, you first need to know the true reason WHY you slice. It is usually one of two things (or both), and today's video will show you how to reveal it. You can certainly do this...
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If there was ever a shot everyone needs... The basic, greenside chip is it. When your approach lands just off the green... This shot is the difference between saving a satisfying par... Or making a frustrating bogey (or worse). Now, greenside chips...
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